P r o a c t i v e


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A category of immigrants selected for their skills and ability to contribute to Canada’s economy. Economic Class immigrants include skilled workers, provincial and territorial nominees, business immigrants, Quebec skilled workers and Canadian Experience Class members, and their spouses and dependants.


Express Entry is an electronic application management system that has been in place since January 2015 and it has replaced first-come first-serve system for application processing for Permanent Residence applications. It is mandatory to apply through EE for foreign nationals who wish to apply for permanent residency as skilled workers in one these sub-classes: Federal Skilled Workers; Federal Skilled Trades; Canadian Experience Class; and Provincial Nomination Program.

The objectives of using technology in the application process is to address previous inefficiencies in the system, and to allow IRCC to manage more efficiently the number and type od skilled worker applications by creating a pool of qualified candidates from which employers, provinces and territories may recruit and select skilled immigrants. The pool is created by ranking qualified candidates. Top candidates receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency.


There are different steps about how to apply for EE. If you want to come to Canada as a skilled immigrant, your first step is to submit your profile to the Express Entry pool. Once you make the profile You have 60 days to complete and submit your Express Entry profile. Otherwise, you’ll have to start again. Candidates must submit Language Results, Educational Credentials (less than 5 years old), a job offer (if applicable), or Nomination form a province (if applicable) [may select one or more provinces]

To control number of Applications, Minister’s Instructions  are issued to announce “draws” and “rounds”, setting out ranking number and total numbers of ITAs to be issued for a particular draw, and specify if the draw is for one more sub-classes of Skilled Workers.

  • candidates are scored through Comprehensive Ranking System and top ones receive an ITA
  • candidate may register with job bank to find work
  • applicant has 60 days to submit a complete PR Application or elect to remain in pool up to 12 months 

What is a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)

The CRS is a point based system that assesses and scores a potential candidate based on Core Human Capital Factors: age, level of education, language proficiency, and Canadian work experience, and other factors such as work skills, foreign work experience, siblings in Canada, French language skills, and arranged employment or a nomination from a province or territory.

Total scores are 1200. CRS distribute total points with (1) up to 500 for core human capital factors, and (2) spouse or common law factors (if they wish to include in their PR Application), (3) skills transferability factors, and (4) additional factors.

In general, these main steps are as below.

Step 1: Find out if you’re eligible

Step 2: Get your documents ready

Step 3: Submit your profile

Step 4: Receive an invitation and apply for permanent residence

To learn more about express entry and see if you qualify for this, contact us today and avoid making any mistakes.

Federal Skilled Workers

There are three immigration programs under Express Entry, and each has different requirements. One of them is Federal Skilled Workers.

Federal Skilled Trades

The FST is a prescribed class for applicants who may become Permanent Residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada as workers in skilled trade occupations

Canadian Experience Class

The Canadian Experience Class is for skilled workers who have Canadian work experience and want to become permanent residents.

Provincial Nomination Program (PNP)

A program that allows provinces and territories to nominate candidates for immigration to Canada.